Monday, November 8, 2010

Wolf and jobs Grade - F Minus

In his campaign literature, Frank Wolf (R-VA10) says that legislation that he supports, "Bring Jobs Back to America Pact" will help business create American jobs. Frank Wolf has been in congress for 30 years. He voted to cut taxes on those earning more than $1 million a year from 70% to below 20% for capital gains. He voted to deregulate banks, he voted to increase the deficit, and he voted to let 500,000 engineers born in the USA be replaced by lower cost workers from India and China, no not only displaced US born engineers, they sent work back to India and China to be done be even lower cost workers.

The workers taking jobs away from Americans were not only paid by their employers, they brought children to be educated by US schools, and after they got green cards, they were able to bring their aged parents over here and have the US taxpayer provide them with SSI payments. Frank Wolf did not even insist that the jobs in the USA be offered to US citizens, even when the contract was with the US government. A commerce minister called the H-1B visa that Wolf helped expand, "the outsourcing visa". As Frank's pal Tom Davis (R-Va.), had the gall to say, “This is not a popular bill with the public. It’s popular with the CEOs...This is a very important issue for the high-tech executives who give the money.” (National Journal,May 5, 2000 and New York Daily News, May 3, 2000.) Rep. Davis was then the chair of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee.

Frank has already been creating jobs for American CEOs "who give the money" he has not been good at creating jobs that hire US citizens.

Frank Wolf has created jobs for about 500,000 immigrants being paid much less than US citizens, jobs that should have encouraged the children of US citizens to go into careers in math and science critical to our security and future, but now encourage children in India and China to go into math and science, while 50% of our own students who graduate with a degree in science can not get jobs in the basic areas that use the skills they spent so much money acquiring.

Frank Wolf says he wants to bring factories back from India and China, and he has a plan, not yet working, to do that. He wants to cut the taxes on businesses willing to come back. How much will it take to get a firm now based in India, paying low wages, to move to the USA? Frank has already cut the taxes on high tech CEOs and firms, to almost nothing. There is no way to offer tax credits to get them to come back.

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