Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Note: This headline proved too hard to work with as a first hand out (at 6am, not as many people as you might think want to read something that starts with "Drop Dead) so the lead was changed.)
Message from
John Warner and Tim Kaine
To Classes of 2013,2014, 2015 -
Drop Dead!”

Here are some real facts that the Class of 2013 and later classes will face:only 38 percent of new PhDs, 50 percent of new master’s graduates, and 33 percent of new bachelor’s graduates are in full time jobs. Overall, STEM unemployment in the US is more than twice its pre-recession level.(1)

And how to Kaine and Warner offer to help? By giving billionaires and universities bundles of green cards.

The Gang of 8 immigration bill [now being discussed] would give an UNLIMITED number of green cards to ALL foreign students earning advanced degrees in STEM at U.S. schools, with NO labor certification No requirement NOT to displace a U.S. citizens]. All they would be required to have is a job offer "in a related field" (clerk at Radio Shack?), and they get the green card right away. The potential for gaming the system would be enormous, but even that would pale in comparison to the impact on the STEM job market. Wages, already stagnant would drop considerably. The remark by Georgetown University's Anthony Carnevale, “If you’re a high math student in America, from a purely economic point of view, it’s crazy to go into STEM” would be greatly magnified. The Dickensian conditions for lab scientists found by y the federal National Institutes of Health last year would become absolutely untenable.(2)

Why would Kaine and Warner invite more workers to compete with our out of work children? Money. "[We in tech] control massive distribution channels, both as companies and individuals...We have individuals with a lot of money. If deployed properly this can have huge influence in the current campaign finance environment" -- Joe Green, leader of Mark Zuckerberg's new immigration lobbying group. (3)

Sources: (1) Columbia Journalism Revue, “It Doesn't Add Up.” May 1, 2013
Dr. Norman Matloff, UC Davis (2)
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